About me

Hello, welcome

My name is Nicola. I am a Kylie-obsessed poptart who helplessly coos over little fluffy dogs and likes all sorts of pretty things. Stereotypical girl, hey?! Heck yeah, who cares!

I've been working in the advertising industry on the media agency side of life for over 10 years, wow that went fast

During this time I've been lucky enough to work with some amazingly talented (and super FUN) people at Vizeum and ZenithOptimedia in London and at PHD in sunny Sydney. 

After seeing the infamous Wrigley’s bus journey ad in 1990 I knew my fate was to work in advertising. I studied Marketing as an undergraduate and completed a post-graduate Masters in Marketing (after realising just short of a gazillion people graduate with a Marketing degree!) 

But nothing prepared me for the brain-freeze challenges that come with working in this industry for real. I love what we do as an industry. OK, I know that making people buy stuff they don't really need isn't considered wholly ethical by everyone, but as a collective we get to think about pretty cool stuff, try new things, go to awesome parties (would be lying to say that I didn't enjoy the social side and free beer!), wear jeans and sequins to work, constantly people watch and get paid for it.

I believe that creativity is a behaviour and innovation is a process and apply this to what I do and how I do it. 

You have found my little place where I'll talk, whinge, celebrate, challenge, debate, ask your opinion on the goings on in our advertising bubble. It's called Idea Provocateur as I'm most interested in the provocations involved throughout the creative process, it's a little play on words you see.  

All feedback, abuse, comments, high-fives are welcome! Please get involved and join the conversation. 

The stuff I write is my own opinion and does not reflect the opinions of the company I work for or the clients I work with (I suppose I better say that to avoid getting sacked at any point!)

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