Tuesday, 30 July 2013

what were you thinking alfa romeo?

I have been pondering whether or not to write this post for the past few weeks. I can't contain my frustration anymore and need to vent my anger and disbelief with the world.

Now, I'm not a creative at a creative agency and I'm not a planner at a creative agency. But my job as a strategist in a media agency requires me to think a lot about how brands should/could communicate with people and I admit to loving the on-going challenge (because it is a challenge!)

I am sure that creative agency frenemies would tend to agree with my question "what the bloody hell were the team behind the latest Alfa Romeo ads thinking?" If you haven't seen the guff, here they are
[WARNING: prepare to want to punch your screen].



Ahhhh... annoying, right?

In my opinion they are guilty of the following fails:

1. No consideration for how real people talk to each other about brands
2. Completely lacking any real human insight
3. Makes Alfa Romeo (and the people are who drive them) appear super arrogant
3. No-one would ever want to be friends with dickheads that said "It's not a car, It's an Alfa Romeo"
4. Makes me actively want to avoid any association with the Alfa Romeo brand
5. Uncampaignable due to the lack of any actual comms idea, so will only ever live as broadcast annoyance
6. A load more subjective reasons which wouldn't be helpful for this discussion!

When I think about what the ad is trying to do, it seems to me that Alfa Romeo are trying to show that Alfa Romeo drivers believe that driving an Alfa Romeo is so superior and incomparable to driving any other machine that they don't even refer to their auto-mobile as a car (pfft, a car, that would be ridiculous!).

But the execution is so ridiculously up-it's-own-arse and brand-out-focused that is just comes across as 30 seconds of demonstrating how hugely detached from reality the Alfa Romeo brand really is.

Am I alone in my hate for this material?

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